
$5 5K with NNPS

Our September $5 5k benefitted the Newport News Public Schools, whose mission it is to ensure that all students graduate college, career and citizen-ready. Our own Newport News Running Consultant, Emily, is a teacher in Newport News and she was thrilled to help collect $530 in donations from the more than 100 runners the night of the run. When we added in funds from shoe donations we were able to give Newport News Public Schools a check for $574.80!

Reach Out

As a small business, Point 2 cares about giving back to the community where we live. In the Fall of 2016, we launched the Point 2 Priorities Program. With this program, any local nonprofit, charity, community partner, school, etc. is invited to share about their upcoming needs.

Have an idea for a Point 2 Priorities partnership? Or want to help us in our next initiative? 
We’d love to hear from you!