
Run 757 Shirt

Run 757 Shirts to Support Peninsula Rescue Mission

Each year our Run 757 shirts are wildly popular. This year we partnered with the Peninsula Rescue Mission and donated a portion of each shirt sold to Peninsula Rescue Mission. PRM exists for the purpose of promoting social welfare, aid to the poor, and providing shelter for the homeless. Along with profits from shoe donations, we were able to donate $757.60!

Reach Out

As a small business, Point 2 cares about giving back to the community where we live. In the Fall of 2016, we launched the Point 2 Priorities Program. With this program, any local nonprofit, charity, community partner, school, etc. is invited to share about their upcoming needs.

Have an idea for a Point 2 Priorities partnership? Or want to help us in our next initiative? 
We’d love to hear from you!